
How to contact me

Please feel free to contact me for a no-obligation initial chat. This offers you the opportunity to ask any questions and to get an initial feeling about my suitability for you. It also allows me to get an understanding of what you are looking for.


Phone: 07552 866884


Anchor Counselling,

Office 8,

Enterprise House, 

Boathouse Meadow Business park, 

Cherry Orchard Lane, 


SP2 7LD.

How to get here

Anchor Counselling is situated in Lower Bemerton. The office is on the ground floor of Enterprise House, which provides free parking. It is easily accessible by car, a short (10 minute) walk from Salisbury train station or a 20-minute walk from the city centre.

Get in touch

Please feel free to contact me for a no-obligation initial consultation.

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Could have a brief introduction to the reviews here.


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