Inside the Anchor Counselling office space, showing a white sofa with green cushions


Hello, my name is Jeni.

I am a professional counsellor and a registered Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (MBACP). I offer in-person counselling at Enterprise House in Salisbury. I also offer online and telephone counselling across the UK.

Whatever your reason for coming to counselling, I am here to help you. I will offer you a safe and supportive space to explore and understand whatever is making life difficult for you. We will work together to help you find a positive way forward and increase your overall sense of wellbeing.

I am a  humanistic counsellor, which means that I support and guide you rather than direct you - you are the expert on yourself and only you know exactly what it is like to be you. With this in mind, we will always work at a pace that is comfortable for you. I am calm and caring and I offer full acceptance of whatever issues you may bring to the sessions.

I am here to listen and offer you a safe space to explore your feelings, beliefs and behaviours. We will work together to help you reflect upon these and the areas of your life that you are finding difficult. This increased understanding and insight will enable you to make positive change to improve your overall sense of wellbeing.

Previous to my training to become a counsellor, I spent 20 years working in Human Factors in a safety critical environment. In this role I focused predominantly on Incident Investigation and Confidence & Resilience training, both of which involved forming a helping relationship to aid understanding and personal learning.

Learn more about how I can help you
Close up profile of Jeni from Anchor Counselling
Jeni working at a desk inside the Anchor Counselling office


  • CPCAB Level Certificate in Counselling Young People
  • CPCAB Level Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling
  • CPCAB Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies
  • CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills
  • BACP Working with Adult Adopted Clients and Adoption-related Issues
  • BSc Applied Psychology & Computing:1st
  • Lead Human Factors Incident investigator at National Air Traffic Services (NATS)
  • Confidence and Resilience Coach at National Air Traffic Services (NATS)
  • Member of CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) team at National Air Traffic Services (NATS)


I am a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). As a member, I adhere to, and work in accordance with, the BACP ethical framework of good practice. 

The British association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) is the professional association for members of the counselling professions in the UK. Please follow this link for further details on the BACP Ethical Framework BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions

I also hold full professional liability insurance.

BACP Membership Number: 00984153


Could have a brief introduction to the reviews here.


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Get in touch

Please feel free to contact me for a no-obligation initial chat.